Have you ever felt the impact of your thinking get in the way of your potential, success and the impact you want to make across your business in life? If you’ve answered yes to the above question, you are absolutely not alone and this is a very common challenge many…...
Why you should stop trying to predict the future
I remember many years ago, I was attending a Tony Robbins seminar and at the time, he likened Entrepreneurship & Leadership to being a gladiator. As I reflect on this extraordinary statement, it rings even more true today that there are so many hidden traps,...
Navigating Stressful and Pressured Situations- A How To Guide
As an entrepreneur or someone in a senior leadership position, I can imagine that there are a number of times in and out of your work and business, you are faced with challenging, pressured and stressful situations. Meeting objectives or KPI’s Leading others in your...
How to Unleash Your Creative Potential
When I used to hear the word creativity, I used to think of artistic talent or music…which both were not my forte hence I would label myself as anything but creative (which I know many of us still do today) Now and today I believe I am incredibly creative, not that I...
How to stress less and maximise your High Performance – Business Coaching Insight
As a Performance & Life Coach in a nutshell, my job is to help my clients get more out of themselves in their business or their career. Whether you are an Entrepreneur and you want to achieve more business growth or an ambitious professional who is an executive or...
The 1% secret to create more success, impact and transformation
At this time of the new year with 12 months ahead of you, I often many clients who contact me are looking to make significant changes/improvements and create much more success in a number of areas of their business and life. I often find that the key reasons anyone is...
What is Coaching & Why?
This is a question you’ve probably asked as you’re here on my website, whether you’re looking for a London Life Coach, Business Coach or a High Performance Coach. There are many definitions of coaching that involve some inclusion of the word potential or maximum...
My top lessons from 2018
Around this time of the year I love taking a moment to do one of my favourite rituals which is…..mapping out the new year. Sitting down with a nice & very hot cup of coffee while setting my goals for the year, ambitions, the new year vision, key areas of...
Don’t be Vanilla a mentor once said
"Don't be Vanilla" This was a lesson repeated to me by one of my first mentors when I became a coach many years ago. Don't be Vanilla my mentor said You see, in the world we live in, its very easy to drown the power of your own voice and personality... and at the same...
The real reason you feel demotivated, stuck & are losing enjoyment in what you do
When I coach my clients or connect with inspiring people at my events. seminars or workshops whether they are Entrepreneurs, Executives or High Performers, one thing I find that often happens in their professional/working livelihood as well as almost every other human...